Introducing the sire of KW Bengals and Serengetis ❤️

RW CH Superiorbg Bagheera of KWBengals

Birthday: March 18, 2021

Color: Brown (Black) Charcoal Spotted Tabby

TICA number: SBT 031821 032

PK-DEF and PRA-b – Clear

Bagheera was the very first registered sire of our program. He has an amazing profile, medium sized rounded ears, nice puffy whisker pads, a large muscular build and truly amazing color/ patterning. He is the sweetest cat I have ever met and he truly just loves to be around everybody – one of the reasons he is SO good to participate in both TICA & CCA cat shows. He is registered as a Brown (Black) Charcoal Spotted Tabby and is registered as an SBT – which means he is past the 4th generation. He won Champion status at his very first TICA show and was awarded the 2022 Best Brown (Black) Charcoal Spotted Tabby of the Year as well as 2023 Third Best Brown (Black) Charcoal Spotted Tabby of The Year. From his large rosettes to his kind, playful personality – he is the perfect addition to our program and passes his amazing traits down to his offspring. When paired with the right female, he can produce browns, charcoals and melanistics as well as silvers, silver charcoals and silver smokes. He also has 2 copies of the glitter gene as well, meaning his kittens should all have glitter and will sparkle in the sunlight.